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Why You Need To Go With The Flow

Today I’m leaning into my mantra for the year: ‘If it doesn’t flow, it’s a no.’

I was talking to a friend recently about how I’ve used this phrase as my north star ever since it popped into my head back in January. It really is amazing how it has guided me away from bad decisions toward better ones and allowed me to let go of things I might otherwise have held onto and ruminated over.

I think it works so well because it provides an instant, unequivocal appraisal of whether any given situation is working or not. Granted, sometimes we do have to work hard for things that we want/need, and I’m certainly not advocating for any of us to give up when things feel a bit tough (I’m living that experience out right now as I navigate the stormy seas of book writing and the horrendous waves of self-doubt that come with it) BUT if they feel tricky and icky and not quite right, that’s our gut telling us to listen.

Here are some things my mantra has led me to follow my gut and go for so far this year:

- Committing to write my book on maternal guilt in a year (despite the at-times crippling imposter syndrome and extreme case of comparitonitis!)

- Emerging from retreat-planning hibernation to start planning monthly mid-week, evening mini-retreats for mums (with option for sauna!) in my newly renovated space in Totnes (DM me for details and/or to be added to the mailing list when they go live!)

And here are some of the things I have let go of since adopting my mantra:

- A business retreat I desperately wanted to attend but which clashed with the second week of my son’s half term

- A potentially lucrative coaching prospect that just didn’t feel the right fit for me (and which I could see was a better fit for someone else)

- A babysitter and dinner reservation for our 8-year anniversary tomorrow evening that just wasn’t flowing for some reason (and which bizarrely I seem to have had some psychic intuition about seeing as my son and daughter have both this morning been sick!)

The best part is, I have willingly, happily let go of these things, without bitterness or backward glance. If it doesn’t flow, it’s a no. End. Of.

I hope that in sharing this with you it may encourage you to take a look at the situations in your own life that currently feel hard and give them the ‘flow’ treatment.

I’d love to know if it’s helpful for you.

Finally, I’m not putting myself out there as much as usual regarding 1:1 coaching, but if you’re a mother who is currently feeling stuck and/or lacking confidence and direction, I am still taking on a very small number of private clients. If we’re a good fit for a coaching relationship, I will make room for you. DM me for info/to book a free, no obligation discovery call.

Wishing you a peaceful, love-filled weekend full of FLOW.

Belinda x

Lady in water surrounded by ripples
If you sometimes wonder if the universe is trying to tell you something, maybe it is!



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